PA’s Right To Know Law

The PA Right to Know Law guarantees citizens access to all public documents with a few limited exceptions. The Right to Know Law, or RTK, applies to all branches of government in Pennsylvania-Cities, Towns, Boroughs, School District, Counties, etc. The RTK law is intended to provide the citizens with the ability to access those records to which they are entitled. “Records” include but are not limited to; building permits, maps and plans, agency decisions, minutes, letters, and more.

Under the RTK Law, all records are presumed to be public records unless disclosure is barred by: 1) state or federal law or regulation, or judicial order; or 2), privilege, e.g., attorney-client, doctor-patient, or 3) one of the exceptions in Section 708 of the Right-to-Know Law. (PA_Right-To-Know_Law)

When the CKCOG receives a RTK request, our Open Records Officer reviews the request and prepares a response. Generally, a response will be issued within five (5) business days of the date the request is received. If additional time is required to prepare the response, the ORO may invoke a thirty (30)-calendar day extension under the RTKL.

CKCOG’s Open Records Officers (ORO) are:

Terry Seyler –  or 570-522-1325

Christa Dorman – or 570-522-1326

You can also fax your request to 570-522-1327, attention Open Records Officer.

A convenient, printable RTK request form can be obtained by clicking the link below. You should be as clear and as specific as possible when writing your request, transparency will help the ORO narrow down the document(s) you are requesting. This form can be mailed, e-mailed, faxed or hand delivered to the CKCOG Office.
Right to Know Request Form

Fees for duplication and, where applicable, document retrieval will be charged according to the following fee schedule which shall be periodically updated:
Right to Know Fee Schedule

Please see the CKCOG’s Record Retention Policy linked below to determine if the records you are requesting have been retained and are available:
CKCOG Record Retention Policy 08.2024

Links to PA Office of Open Records: PA Open Records Website FAQ’s PA Open Records Citizens Guide

An appeal of a denial of a Right to Know Request may be submitted to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records:
Appeals may also be submitted via fax (717-425-5343) or postal mail to:
Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2234