Zoning Permits
Your Township or Borough may have Zoning or other Property Improvement regulations. Zoning permits are issued by either your municipality or by CK-COG.
If your Zoning Permit is issued through the CK-COG office, you will not receive your Zoning Permit until your Erosion & Sedimentation Pollution Control Plan is reviewed by your County Conservation District. This plan must either be waived or approved in writing prior to the approval of any Zoning Permit. Once all documentation is reviewed by the Zoning Officer and is found to be in compliance with Township/County Subdivision/Land Development/Zoning Ordinances, your Zoning Permit will be issued. (Zoning Fee Schedule 3.1.2025)
If your Zoning Permit is issued by your municipality, CK-COG will not issue a Building Permit until we have received written notification from your Zoning Officer stating that your project is in compliance with any applicable zoning restrictions and that all zoning fees have been paid. This notification must be in the form of the issued Zoning Permit from the municipality in which you are building.
In addition to a Zoning Permit, compliance to your community’s Floodplain Management Ordinance will be required before a building permit is issued. Proof of compliance can be obtained from the zoning officers in your municipality. Read more about Flood Plain Management.
Zoning Requirements in Your Municipality
Return to the “Municipal Members” tab and click on the County in which your project is located to find the zoning requirements, applications and contact information to request your Zoning Permit.